Sunday 27 July 2008

The beach

The beach is lovely in the late afternoon. While it's nice in worse weather (watching the waves crash and listening to the roar of the sea) it is beyond beautiful on a warm afternoon. There are always one or two men fishing along the way, people walking their dogs (one particular dog, drenched, decided to come and say hello to my previously dry mother) and families deciding to face the cold water in favour of an empty sea. By day (a good day, at least) the beach is packed!
I don't like to go in the sea generally. Stinky fish, pollution, cold water. But today, after MANY years of not doing so, I went in. And, really, it was quite nice once my screaming and swearing subsided.
Once upon a time, I was adventerous and fearless. Then something switched inside me and I started to fear my own shadow. But, today, it was ME who went in while my family watched from the sidelines. Mum kept saying how impressed she was that I went in. And I plan to go in again. Chris's family, who had invited us, is good for me. I've always admired and envied their intelligence, beauty and, most of all, their free spirited and fearless nature.
Next time I might go without my shorts. And sunglasses. The flip flops are debatable!
The weird thing is, I kept thinking back to the Festival of the Sea a couple of years ago. Glen had sailed the boat out and they were close enough to the shore to shout to us and talk. They told me to get in the water and swim over but I refused. I wish now that I hadn't. Whatever it is I fear all the time, it is pointless. Small things like stepping into the sea can be so liberating and wonderful, however silly it may seem.
And I need to start living a little more, I think.
But if I see anything creepy and squid like out there, that's it. Game over.

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